
Safety & Environment

Safety & Environment Policy

Elecgas believes that all accidents and injuries are preventable. Therefore the highest standards of safety practice are applied to ensure that all risks to the safety of our staff, contractors, visitors and the public are minimised. Elecgas believes also that this approach contributes to a sound business performance.

In addition it is recognised that there are legal responsibilities on both the employer and the employees for Health and Safety. The aim is always to achieve a target of zero incidents.

Safety is the first priority consideration in all activities aiming for continuous improvement. Health and safety is actively managed by identifying hazards and introducing controls to minimise risks in work processes and areas, such that the aim of zero incidents is achieved.

Elecgas ensures that a safe system of work is implemented, assuring that all work is subject to a safety assessment, that appropriate precautions are implemented and maintained and that a safe working environment is established and maintained throughout the duration of the work.

The occupational health and welfare of all staff is controlled and safeguarded. Appropriate fire protection and first aid facilities are ensured to be available in the plant.

Contractors employed shall have achieved recognised standards of competency for the work they are to carry out, the work methods they use comply with our standards and local legislation, and are trained in the local safety management systems.

Elecgas believes that in environmental matters it has legal obligations, corporate requirements and professional values to uphold. Elecgas recognizes the interaction between its activities and the environment and sets itself objectives to maintain the highest standards of environmental care to prevent pollution and to develop and improve continually its environmental performance.

Therefore, when conducting its business, Elecgas discharges its obligations under environmental legislation and fulfil any other environmental commitments. The impact of all its activities on the environment is assessed as an integral part of its decision-making process, with the aim to prevent all incidents that might have an adverse impact on the environment and improve the operational activities to reduce the environmental impact.

Elecgas also promotes the efficient use of energy and material resources and the conservation and sensitive land management.

Maintaining close liaison with appropriate authorities and environmental organizations, as well as promoting environmental awareness through staff, suppliers, contractors and within the local community are also Elecgas’ permanent targets.